Friday, June 24, 2011

Half Booths

You all know what I'm talking about.

Those random half booths/half chairs tables at restaurants.  I understand the point of them is to take advantage of every possible space to fit customers but really, does anyone really enjoy sitting at these seats?  Every time I follow a waiter to our seat I look around to see if those half booths are in his trajectory.

Maybe it's just me but anytime I was forced to sit in one of these seats I would immediately gun for the booth side (unless I am with my wife, or several women).  Why?  Because it's the better side.  No uncomfortable chair, padded back, and no one walking behind our seat.  The half booth seats aren't even "separate but equal".  It's clearly a "Seat-ist" seat drawing a line between comfortable customers and uncomfortable customers.

I challenge restaurants to rid themselves of the half booths and create equality in each of their tables.  I guarantee TRIPLE THE BUSINESS!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Lazy DVD design

So what's worse than spending lots of money on DVD's or BD's?  Getting a disc with that crappy gray disc art.  I can understand getting those discs in a Redbox or Netflix, but when you spend $30 on a movie you expect to get top quality material.  

Small independent films that don't have good distribution have a good reason not to spend money on a disc art knowing the customer already bought the DVD, but movies like Star Trek have no reason.

Too many signs for the yard

Does this church really need this many signs in the front?  It's not political season yet.

Taj Mahal Tallahassee

In Tallahassee, the middle of nowhere there is a giant, ridiculous looking building that my wife and I deemed the Taj Mahal.  There's no other buildings around it and we never see any cars parked in front so we assume it's a memorial of some sort.

Surprise! I'm watching the news and this story comes on the news ALSO calling it the Taj Mahal.  The public is outraged it cost 70 million dollars.  And so am I.  I say we turn it from a courthouse into a tourist attraction and make the money back.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Chick-fil-A Dine In

I've brought this up with Emily once but for some reason my family has given me a hard time about this.

My mind just can't wrap itself around how Chick-fil-a manages their dine-in ordering system.  Their main problem is that they don't have any way to differentiate the ordering from the receiving lines.  There are usually a couple of registers open and people standing in a general group in front of them.  I usually have to ask a few people whether or not they are in line or waiting for their food.  Once I find a somewhat normal line I order and everything is fine.  No number is given to me so I'm forced to wait.  I can't wait by the register because there's no room since there's someone behind me, so I have to stand a few feet back with the rest of the group trying to figure out who's in line and who's already ordered.  After being asked if I'm in line a few times by people just entering the restaurant I hear "Chicken nugget meal, 8 count."  I walk up towards the food, but someone else steps in and grabs the bag.  I ask the cashier if that was mine but she lets me know that mine is about to come up.

This is the point when I start to feel like I'm in a Mr. Bean episode.  I then take the walk of shame back to the group waiting for food/ordering when another bag comes up.  This time it's mine, or so I think it's mine but I can't ask the cashier because she's too worried getting a refill for a guy who was apparently standing in the mystery refill line.  After he gets his half diet lemonade, half ice tea I finally get my bag of food.

I can't think of any other fast food restaurant that has this problem.  Wendy's has barriers so you know where the ordering line is.  Although Wendy's also has the mystery refill line.  McDonald's and almost every other fast food chain gives you a number so you know exactly what your order is without having to stand with a mass of people.

I love Chick-fil-a and I think they have the best drive-thru service hands down, I just wish they would take into consideration altering these things.


Why on Earth would you name your water company Zephyrhills.

We were watching TV tonight when a Zephyrhills commercial came on and this thought popped in my head.  It doesn't sound refreshing and it's awkward to say.  That's two strikes against it that makes me look past it and pick up my Aquafina.

Sorry Zephyrhills.

Blog Start

So I never noticed until my wife pointed it out that I have a tendency to find the most random of things or topics and always provide ways it could be better. Whether it's traffic, restaurants, products, I always give my opinion even if it's ridiculous.

I don't want this blog to be a bunch of complaining, but it's rather for the comedic enjoyment of tracking these little things in life, if changed, could make the world a better place.