Tuesday, August 23, 2011

You're all up in my space yo!

My wife and I have lived in Tallahassee for almost two years now.  It's been fine for the most part.  Sure it's not a city we would choose to live in, but hey, it's an OK city.  EXCEPT, the way people drive.

Both of us have done a great deal of traveling through our years and we both agree that drivers in Tallahassee are some of the worst.  No, there's not really much traffic.  No, there isn't many crazy fast drivers.  People seem to forget how to use their turn signal.  The majority of time people turn, they don't use their blinker.  It blows my mind.

The lack of turn signal is irritating, but there is something far worse in my mind.

While I'm driving I usually am in a lane with a car right next to me.  Whenever a car turns (usually a left turn) they feel the need to make a wide turn resulting in them getting into the next lane before making the turn.  This freaks me out every time someone does it, especially on one way streets where the lanes are smaller.  There's no need to make a wide turn!  So why scare the hell out of other drivers by getting in their lane so that you can make an easy turn?

Here's a diagram of what I'm talking about. (Excuse the crappiness of these illustrations)

I'm in the yellow car, while a hummer is next to me.

Everything is hunky dorey.

 The hummer begins to turn, avoiding my lane all together.

And Voila! Everything is fine.

But here is what happens in Tallahassee.  We start out normal.

But when the other car starts to turn he inches closer into my lane. 

 I swerve to avoid him.

And there you have it.  Unnecessary reckless driving.

What I've learned from living here is that I can't trust other drivers as much as I used to.  Thanks Tallahassee.

1 comment:

  1. Yes! This is exactly what I hate most about the Chick-fil-A intersection. People ALWAYS do this there!
